Thursday, August 19, 2010


We have forgotten what rocks, plants and animals still know.
We have forgotten how to be- to be still, to be ourselves to be where life is; HERE AND NOW!

 For how long we can ignore the messages from the Nature just by non-stop thinking or doing and anticipating or confusing ourselves in the maze of complexity of the personal and worldly problems?

Have you thought about the feeling or urge that drawn you to walk in the beach or park recently?
Have you noticed that confusion dissolved into thin air after some time?
Eventually you feel better, more relaxed and calm.
How is that possible?
The plants on your windowsill, trees in your backyard, green hills and moving waters in your vicinity-have you ever truly looked at them?
Have you ever noticed how deeply peaceful it is or how it is surrounded by a field of stillness?
What's stopping us feeling the stillness and harmony of Nature all around us all the time? 
The air you breath is Nature..It's Breath of Nature as all  physical forms breath One life.
No one is separated ..All are interconnected through the same BREATH!
Watching birds or swaying trees in the wind, feeling the beauty and tenderness of flowers without thinking or mentally labeling, would connect us deeply with the Nature. We didn't create those; not even our body or body functions.
An Intelligence greater than Human mind is at work here that sustains all of Nature. 
Just by being aware of this energy field, aliveness, mysterious animating power within bodies connects us to that innocent stillness and inner-peace beyond human thoughts.
Nature bring us the gift of stillness and harmony while we join with thoughtless awareness that bring forth healing to soul, mind and body.
Now it is  time to experience the Miracle of Nature consciously 
while being grateful for the Infinite Intelligence that creates all!

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